Raz Merhav

Artist, Kibbutz Zikim, Israel

See her work on her website and Instagram page

Raz Merhav, an Israeli artist, from Kibbutz Zikim, graduated from the animation department at the Bezalel Academy of Arts And Design, specializing in stop motion. Her films have appeared at film festivals around the world.

Raz considers her work to resonate with the spirit of the natural world. In her own words: "If someone looks at my works, I think that the words "nature" and "emotion" will be among the first that come to mind. Nature is a great teacher for me, from large landscapes to a lichen on a stone, in nature I see the movement of life, figures, and relationships. Inspired by it, I create textures and animations that capture these aspects."

Raz's base as an artist is painting, and since she was young she has found a place in it to express fears and emotions she experienced. Throughout the years, her skills expanded to include set design, sculpting, and photography as a part of her animation studies at Bezalel.

" I fell in love with the ability to add movement to images and tell a story that has a timeline and rhythm".


Oren Veksler


Sofie Berzon MacKie