Eva Shalev

Painter, Talmei Yosef, Israel

See her work on her Facebook page.

My name is Eva Shalev. I live in Talmei Yosef in the Eshkol area, 7 km from the Gaza Strip and around 7 km from from the Egyptian border. We left Tel-Aviv and came to this area in order to be farmers and today our main crop is flowers for export. While studying art, I particularly had a great interest for painting. My works have been exhibited in galleries and various group exhibitions. Our life right next to the Gaza Strip had been disrupted many times with the rockets sent to us, the fear of the tunnels, but we felt somehow safe until October 7th. Currently we are heartbroken for all the people, friends, and family that have been murdered or kidnapped. We are very lucky that the terrorists could not enter our moshav who had the time to get organized with guns. We are actually in Eilat in a hotel and every few days we return home in order to run the farm to try not to lose everything. I personally try to draw or paint as a need to express my feelings and keep sanity.


Eyal Assulin


Haran Kislev