Ariel Schneier

Painter based in Kiriat Tivon, Israel

See his work on his website and Instagram page

Hello, My name is Ariel Schneier.
I am an artist who deals with figurative painting and drawing which is a practice and research that has always accompanied me.
During high school I was in the graphic department and in addition I would regularly go to painting and drawing model evenings in class.
During the army I served in the armored corps and in addition I was tasked with painting murals on all the buildings in the base.
After the army I studied at the drawing and painting studio of the painter Israel Hershberg, during this period I also took summer courses in Italy and even participated in a painting competition in Solmona where I won the first place.
A few years later I won a one-year study scholarship at the drawing and painting school "Hathana" which is run by the painters Aram Gershoni and David Nipo.


Anat Or Magal


Aviv Keller